Tuesday 18 May 2021

Famous Authors - March


Here are some famous authors born in March
Check out their books






The Bretton Woods Agreement


Interesting article from the Guardian on the Bretton Woods Agreement and its relevance and implications


Tuesday 30 March 2021

Famous Authors - February


Here are some famous authors born in February
Check out their books


Friday 18 December 2020

The Use of Models in Economics


Economists use models even when we know that they do not perfectly represent the real world. Why would we do this? This article addresses that question.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Famous Authors - January


Here are some famous authors born in January

. Check out their books.

Nevil Shute - Author

 A well known author, Nevil Shute wrote a number of well known book along with being an aircraft designer. His books include Trustee from the Toolroom, A Town Like Alice and Chequer Board. Books in the Library